English Antique Furniture Timeline
Viewing the history and development of furniture styles in time line form such as this is somewhat artificial but satisfies that part of the western mind which is very lateral and analytical.
Hover your mouse over the names of the English monarchs to put a face to a name.
Date: | Ruler: | Furniture Period: | Styles/ Influences: | Famous Designers: |
1485 | Henry VII |
Early Tudor
English Renaissance Gothic, Italianate, Flemish
| . |
1509 | Henry VIII |
1547 | Edward VI |
1553 | Mary |
1558 | Elizabeth I | Late Tudor/ Elizabethan |
1603 | James I | Jacobean
1625 | Charles I |
1649 | Cromwell | Commonwealth |
1660 | Charles II | Restoration/Carolean
Baroque Dutch, Flemish, French
Gerrit Jensen, Daniel Marot |
1685 | James II |
1688 | William III/ Mary II | William & Mary |
1702 | Anne | Queen Anne |
1714 | George I | Early Georgian
| Palladian
| William Kent
1727 | George II |
1760 | George III | Mid Georgian
| Rococo French, Gothic, Chinese | Thomas Chippendale |
Late Georgian
| Robert Adam, George Hepplewhite, Thomas Sheraton
1820 | George IV | Regency
| Egyptian & Greek Revival | Thomas Hope
1830 | William IV |
1837 | Victoria | Early Victorian
| Eclectic Revivalist, Gothic | .
Late Victorian | Arts & Crafts, Art Furniture | William Morris
1901 | Edward VII | Edwardian |